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ultimate principle中文是什么意思

用"ultimate principle"造句"ultimate principle"怎么读"ultimate principle" in a sentence


  • 基本原理


  • Thought has recourse to ultimate principle and ideas .
  • The ultimate principle and experiment of the pressure - difference method as well as the problems arising in experiments and the relevant solutions are discussed
  • First 2 chapters explained the ultimate principle of supply chain and the model start from macroscopical and microcosmic point , especially the bom model which is very important for the innovation of core company
  • In confucian bioethics , professor lee , shui chuen proposes four fundamental rules of morality as the middle principle between traditional confucianism and modern ethics , making the mind that “ can ' t bear to see the sufferings of others " as the ultimate principle of confucian ethics
  • The article introduced the supply chain theory , evolvement , the fact and the future based on system standpoint . via the description of supply chain model and its ultimate principle , and the examples of how it works in the firm , indicate the viewpoint of author , and give some advice on how to make our internal companies more powerful than before
用"ultimate principle"造句  


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